6 Self-Help Tips for Managing Hemorrhoids
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As we age, we encounter various health challenges. One common yet distressing issue is hemorrhoids, also known as piles. These swollen blood vessels around the rectum and anus can make bowel movements extremely painful. Symptoms often include rectal pain, itching, bleeding and even prolapse, where hemorrhoids protrude into the anal canal. While not typically dangerous, hemorrhoids can be a recurring source of discomfort.
Hemorrhoids come in two forms: internal, which develop inside the rectum and external, which appear on the anus. Regardless of type, passing stools can worsen them, causing pain and bleeding. Fortunately, simple self-help measures can suggestively ease the discomfort and promote healing. Here are six effective tips for managing hemorrhoid pain and encouraging recovery.
1. Increase Your Fiber Intake
One of the most important steps in managing hemorrhoids is to ensure your diet is rich in fiber. Consuming 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily can help soften stools and reduce straining during bowel movements. You can boost your fiber intake through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. If dietary changes aren't sufficient, consider taking a fiber supplement. Psyllium husk is a popular choice.
2. Lubricate the Process
Making bowel movements smoother can also help ease hemorrhoid discomfort. Mixing a tablespoon of a small amount of mineral oil along with applesauce or yogurt and consuming it at breakfast or lunch can help enable easier stool passage. This should be done carefully, and you might want to use a liner in your undergarments to absorb any potential oil leakage.
3. Don't Delay Bowel Movements
Delaying bowel movements can lead to constipation, which intensifies hemorrhoids. Immediate action can prevent additional strain and discomfort.
4. Try Moving Your Feet
Using a small step stool to uplift your feet while sitting on the toilet can change the position of your rectum, making it easier to pass stools. This simple adjustment can reduce the strain on your hemorrhoids and make bowel movements more comfortable.
5. Use Natural Remedies
There are several over-the-counter products designed to provide relief from hemorrhoid symptoms. One such natural remedy is Nature Sure Jatyadi Oil, made from a combination of Ayurvedic ingredients like neem, karanj, jasmine and turmeric, helps in the healing of piles, anal fissures, fistula and hemorrhoids. It eases itching and burning in skin lesions and is effective for eczema, cuts, burns, abscesses, blisters, insect bites, cracked heels and non-healing wounds. Regular use can reduce swelling and ease stool passage. It also helps treat fungal nail infections, varicose ulcers and various skin diseases.
6. Sit in a Sitz Bath
Sitz baths offer noteworthy relief for inflamed hemorrhoids. These involve soaking the affected area in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes, two to three times a day. A basin that fits under the toilet seat can make this process convenient and soothing.
When to Seek Medical Help
"Your body is a temple. Keep it pure and clean for your soul to dwell in."
If your hemorrhoids persist despite these self-help measures, start to bleed, interfere with bowel movements, or significantly impact your quality of life, it may be time to consult a doctor. Medical procedures can effectively reduce or remove hemorrhoids, providing long-term relief.