Students of Institute of Home Economics Support Period Care Adoption Program
In a world where menstrual hygiene remains a significant challenge for many women and girls, initiatives like everteen's Period Care Adoption Program are a beacon of hope. With a mission to address the lack of easy access to menstrual hygiene products in remote villages of India, everteen, a leading feminine female hygiene brand, launched its Period Care Adoption Program at the dawn of 2024 to promote menstrual health and help break taboos.
Students of the prestigious Institute of Home Economics (IHE) of the University of Delhi came forward to support everteen's Period Care Adoption Program.
The collaboration with IHE served a dual purpose: raising awareness about the campaign among students as well as leveraging their reach and influence to educate the masses about menstrual hygiene. Stalls and interactive activities, such as rapid fire rounds and question sessions on Period Care Adoption Program added a dynamic touch at IHE's annual fest, FERIA'24. Students and attendees participated actively in discussions on menstrual care.
The fun activities at the college annual fest not only made the subject of menstrual hygiene approachable but also fostered an environment of openness and inclusivity, while dispelling myths surrounding menstruation.
By leveraging the expertise and resources of educational institutions like IHE, everteen is amplifying its efforts and reaching a wider audience with its message of menstrual health and hygiene.
However, the impact of everteen's Period Care Adoption Program extends beyond the boundaries of college campuses. By adopting villages that lack access to menstrual hygiene products, everteen is directly addressing a pressing need in underserved communities. Through free sanitary pads, everteen is also ensuring that women and girls can go about their lives without the fear of stigma or discomfort during their periods.